security diversion before going up the stack

This entry is going to be more of a Linux tutorial than a cloud discussion but it is relevant. One of the questions and issues that admins are faced is creation and deletion of accounts. With cloud access being something relatively new the last thing that you want is to generate a password with telnet access to a server in the cloud. Telnet is inherently insecure and any script kiddy with a desire to break into accounts can run ettercat and look for clear text passwords flying across an open wifi or wired internet connection. What you really want to do is login via secure ssh or secure putty is you are on windows. This is done with a public/private key exchange.

There are many good explanations of ssh key exchange, generating ssh keys, and using ssh keys. My favorite is a writeup. The net, net of the writeup is that you generate a public and private key using ssh-keygen or putty-gen and upload the public file to the ~user/.ssh/authorized_keys location for that user. The following scripts should work on an Azure, Amazon, and Oracle Linux instance created in the compute shapes. The idea is that we initially created a virtual machine with the cloud vendor and the account that we created with the VM is not our end user but our cloud administrator. The next level of security is to create a new user and give them permissions to execute what they want to execute on this machine. For example, in the Oracle Database as a Service images there are two users created by default; oracle and opc. The oracle user has the rights to execute everything related to sqlplus, access the file systems where the database and backups are located, and everything related to the ora user. The opc user has sudo rights so that they can execute root scripts, add software packages, apply patches, and other things. The two users have different access rights and administration privileges. In this blog we are going to look at creating a third user so that we can have someone like a backup administrator login and copy backups to tape or a disk at another data center. To do this you need to execute the following instructions.

sudo useradd backupadmin -g dba
sudo mkdir ~backupadmin/.ssh
sudo cp ~oracle/.ssh/authorized_keys ~backupadmin/.ssh
sudo chown -R backupadmin:dba ~backupadmin
sudo chmod 700 ~backupadmin/.ssh

Let’s walk through what we did. First we create a new user called backupadmin. We add this user to the dba group so that they can perform dba functions that are given to the dba group. If the oracle user is part of a different group then they need to be added to that group and not the dba group. Next we create a hidden directory in the backupadmin directory called .ssh. The dot in front of the file denotes that we don’t want this listed with the typical ls command. The sshd program will by default look in this directory for authorized keys and known hosts. Next we copy a known authorized_keys file into the new backupadmin .ssh directory so that we can present a private key to the operating system as the backupadmin to login. The last two commands are setting the ownership and permissions on the new .ssh directory and all files under it so that backupadmin can read and write this directory and no one else can. The chown sets ownership to backupadmin and the -R says do everything from that directory down to the same ownership. While we are doing this we also set the group permissions on all files to the group dba. The final command sets permissions on the .ssh directory to read, write, and execute for the owner of the directory only. The zeros remove permissions for the group and world.

In our example we are going to show how to access a Linux server from Azure and modify the permissions. First we go to the site and login. We then look at the virtual machines that we have created and access the Linux VM that we want to change permissions for. When we created the initial virtual machine we selected ssh access and uploaded a public key. In this example we created the account pshuff as the initial login. This account is created automatically for us and is given sudo rights. This would be our cloud admin account. We present the same ssh keys for all virtual machines that we create and can copy these keys or upload other keys for other users. Best practice would be to upload new keys and not replicate the cloud admin keys to new users as we showed above.

From the portal we get the ip address of the Linux server. In this example it is We open up putty from Windows, load the 2016.ppk key that corresponds to the key that we initialized the pshuff account with. When asked for a user to authenticate with we login as pshuff. If this were an Oracle Compute Service instance we would login as opc since this is the default account created and we want sudo access. To login as backupadmin we open putty and load the ppk associated with this account.

When asked for what account to login as we type in backupadmin and can connect to the Linux system using the public/private key that we initialized.

If we examine the public key it is a series of randomly generated text values. To revoke the users access to the system we change the authorized_keys file to a different key. The pub file looks like

if we open it in wordpad on Windows. This is the file that we uploaded when we created the virtual machine.

To deny access to backupadmin (in the case of someone leaving the organization or moving to another group) all we have to do is edit the authorized_keys file as root and delete this public key. We can insert a different key with a copy and paste operation allowing us to rotate keys. Commercial software like key vaults and key management systems allow you to do this from a central control point and update/rotate keys on a regular basis.

In summary, best practices are to upload a key per user and rotate them on a regular basis. Accounts should be created with ssh keys and not password access. Rather than copying the keys from an existing account it would be an upload and an edit. Access can be revoked by the root user by removing the keys or from an automated key management system.