technical diversion – DBaaS Rest APIs

We are going to take a side trip today. I was at Collaborate 2016 and one of the questions that came up was how do you provision 40 database instances for a lab. I really did not want to sit and click through 40 screens and log into 40 accounts so I decided to do a little research. It turns out that there is a relatively robust REST api that allows you to create, read, update, and delete database instances. The DBaaS Rest Api Documentation is a good place to start to figure out how this works.

To list instances that are running in the database service use the following command, note that “c url” should be shortened to remove the space. Dang blogging software! Note to make things easier and to allow us to script creation we define three variables on the command line. I did most of this testing on a Mac so it should translate to Linux and Cygwin. The three variables that we need to create are

  • ODOMAIN – instance domain that we are using in the Oracle cloud
  • OUID – username that we log in as
  • OPASS – password for this instance domain/username

export ODOMAIN=mydomain
export OUID=cloud.admin
export OPASS=mypassword
c url -i -X GET -u $OUID:$OPASS -H "X-ID-TENANT-NAME: $ODOMAIN" -H "Content-Type:application/json"$ODOMAIN

What should return is

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Sun, 10 Apr 2016 18:42:42 GMT
Server: Oracle-Application-Server-11g
Content-Length: 1023
X-ORACLE-DMS-ECID: 005C2NB3ot26uHFpR05Eid0005mk0001dW
X-ORACLE-DMS-ECID: 005C2NB3ot26uHFpR05Eid0005mk0001dW
X-Frame-Options: DENY
X-Frame-Options: DENY
Vary: Accept-Encoding,User-Agent
Content-Language: en
Content-Type: application/json
{"uri":"https:\/\/\/paas\/service\/dbcs\/api\/v1.1\/instances\/metcsgse00027","service_type":"dbaas","implementation_version":"1.0","services":[{"service_name":"test-hp","version":"","status":"Running","description":"Example service instance","identity_domain":"metcsgse00027","creation_time":"Sun Apr 10 18:5:26 UTC 2016","last_modified_time":"Sun Apr 10 18:5:26 UTC 2016","created_by":"cloud.admin","sm_plugin_version":"","service_uri":"https:\/\/\/paas\/service\/dbcs\/api\/v1.1\/instances\/metcsgse00027\/test-hp"},{"service_name":"db12c-hp","version":"","status":"Running","description":"Example service instance","identity_domain":"metcsgse00027","creation_time":"Sun Apr 10 18:1:21 UTC 2016","last_modified_time":"Sun Apr 10 18:1:21 UTC 2016","created_by":"cloud.admin","sm_plugin_version":"","service_uri":"https:\/\/\/paas\/service\/dbcs\/api\/v1.1\/instances\/metcsgse00027\/db12c-hp"}],"subscriptions":[]}

If you get back anything other than a 200 it means that you have the identity domain, username, or password incorrect. Note that we get back a json structure that contains two database instances that were previously created, test-hp and db12c-hp. Both are up and running. Both are instances. We don’t know much more than these but can dive a little deeper by requesting more information by included the service name as part of the request. A screen shot of the deeper detail is shown below.

A list of the most common commands are shown in the screen shot below

The key options to remember are:

  • list: -X GET
  • stop: -X POST –data ‘{ “lifecycleState” : “Stop” }’
  • restart: -X POST –data ‘{ “lifecycleState” : “Restart” }’
  • delete: -X DELETE **need to add the instance name at the end, for example db12c-hp in request above
  • create: -X POST –data @createDB.json

In the create option we include a json file that defines everything for the database instance.

"serviceName": "test-hp",
"version": "",
"level": "PAAS",
"edition": "EE_HP",
"subscriptionType": "HOURLY",
"description": "Example service instance",
"shape": "oc3",
"vmPublicKeyText": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABJQAAAQEAnrfxP1Tn50Rvuy3zgsdZ3ghooCclOiEoAyIl81Da0gzd9ozVgFn5uuSM77AhCPaoDUnWTnMS2vQ4JRDIdW52DckayHfo4q5Z4N9dhyf9n66xWZM6qyqlzRKMLB0oYaF7MQQ6QaGB89055q23Vp+Pk5Eo+XPUxnfDR6frOYZYnpONyZ5+Qv6pmYKyxAyH+eObZkxFMAVx67VSPzStimNjnjiLrWxluh4g3XiZ1KEhmTQEFaLKlH2qdxKaSmhVg7EA88n9tQDWDwonw49VXUn/TaDgVBG7vsWzGWkRkyEN57AhUhRazs0tEPuGI2jXY3V8Q00w3wW38S/dgDcPFdQF0Q== rsa-key-20160107",
"parameters": [
"type": "db",
"usableStorage": "20",
"adminPassword": "Test123_",
"sid": "ORCL",
"pdb": "PDB1",
"failoverDatabase": "no",
"backupDestination": "none"

The vmPublicKeyText is our file that we use to connect to the service. I did not include a backup space but could have. I did not in this example because we have to embed a password in this space and I did not want to show a service with username and password.

Overall, I prefer scripting everything and running this from a command line. Call me old school but sitting for hours and clicking through screens when I can script it and get a notification when it is done appeals to me.

Tomcat on Azure

Today we are going to install Tomcat on Microsoft Azure. In the past three days we have installed Tomcat on Oracle Linux using Bitnami and onto a raw virtual image as well as on Amazon AWS using a raw virtual image. Microsoft does not really have a notion of a MarketPlace like the AWS Commercial or Public Domain AMI Markets. It does have Bitnami and we could go through the installation on Azure just like we did the Oracle Compute Cloud. Rather than repeating on yet another platform, let’s do something different and look at how we would install Tomcat on Windows on Azure. The Linux installation would be no different than the Oracle Linux raw virtual machine install so let’s do something different. You can find Tomcat on Linux Instructions or Tomcat on Windows Instructions. To be honest we won’t deviate much from the second one so follow this or follow the instructions from Microsoft, they are basically the same.

The steps that we need to follow are

  • Create a virtual machine with Windows and Java enabled
  • Download and install Tomcat
  • open the ports on the Azure portal
  • open the ports on Windows

We start by loading a virtual machine in the Azure portal. Doing a search for Tomcat returns the Bitnami image as well as a Locker Tomcat Container. This might work but it does not achieve our desire for this exercise. We might want to look at a Container but for our future needs we need to be able to connect to a database and upload jar and war files. I am not sure that a Container will do this.

We search for a JDK and find three different versions. We select the JDK 7 and click Create.

In creating the virtual machine, we define a name for our system, a default login, a password (I prefer a confirmation on the password rather than just entering it once), our default way of paying, and where to place it is storage and which data center based on the storage we select. We go with the default East configuration and click OK.

Since we are cheap and this is only for demo purposes, we will select A0 Standard. The recommended is A1 Standard but it is $50 more per month and again this is only for demo purposes. After having played with the A0 Standard, we might be better off going with the A1 Standard. Yes, it is more expensive. The speed of the A0 shape is so painful that it is almost unusable.

We will want to open up ports 80, 8080, and 443. These will all be used for Tomcat. This can be done by creating an new security rule and adding port exceptions when we create the virtual machine. We can see this in the installation menu.

We add these ports and can click Create to provision the virtual machine

One of the things that I don’t like about this configuration is that we have three additional ports that we want to add. When we add them we don’t see the last two rules. It would be nice if we could see all of the ports that we define. We also need to make sure that we have a different priority for the port definition. The installation will fail if we assign priority 1000 to all of the ports.

Connection to the virtual machine is done through remote desktop. If you go to the portal and click on the virtual machine you will be able to connect to the console. I personally don’t like connecting to a gui interface but prefer a command line interface. You must connect with a username and password rather than a digital certificate.

The first thing that comes up with Windows 2012 server is the server management screen. You can use this to configure the compute firewall and allow ports 80, 8080, and 443 to go to the internet. This also requires going to the portal to enable these ports as network rules. You have two configurations that you need to make to enable port 8080 to go from your desktop, through the internet, get routed to your virtual machine, then into your tomcat application.

For those of you that are Linux and Mac snobs, getting Windows to work in Azure was a little challenging. Simple things like opening a browser became a little challenging. This is more a lack of Windows understanding. To get Internet Explorer to come up you first have to move your mouse into the far right of the screen.

At first it did not work for me because the Windows screen was a little larger than my desktop and I had to scroll all the way to the bottom and all the way to the right before the pop up navigation window comes up. When the window does come up you see three icons. The bottom icon is the configuration that allows you to get the the Control Panel to configure the firewall. The icon above it is the Microsoft Windows icon which gives you an option to launch IE. Yes, I use Windows on one of my desktops. Yes, I do have an engineering degree. No, I don’t get this user interface. Hovering over an empty spot on the screen (which is behind a scroll bar) makes no sense to me.

From this point forward I was able to easily follow the Microsoft Tomcat installation instructions. If you don’t select the JDK 7 Virtual Machine you can download it from download. You then download the Tomcat app server. We selected Tomcat 7 for the download and followed the defaults. We do need to configure the firewall on the Windows server to enable ports 80, 8080, and 443 to see everything from our desktop browser. We can first verify that Tomcat is properly installed by going to http://localhost:8080 from Internet Explorer in the virtual image. We can then get the ip address of our virtual machine and test the network connections from our desktop by replacing localhost with the ip address. Below are the screen shots from the install. I am not going to go through the instructions on installing Tomcat because it is relatively simple with few options but included the screen shots for completeness.

In Summary, we could have followed the instructions from Microsoft to configure Tomcat. We could pre-configure the ports as suggested in this blog. We could pre-load the JDK with a virtual machine rather than manually downloading it. It took about 10-15 minutes to provision the virtual machine. It then took 5-10 minutes to download the JDK and Tomcat components. It took 5-10 minutes to configure the firewall on Windows and the port access through the Azure portal. My suggestion is to use a service like Bitnami to get a preconfigured system because it takes about half the time and enables all of the ports and services automatically.

installing Tomcat on AWS

In our last two entries we installed Tomcat on the Oracle Compute Cloud. We first installed the application using and the second we installed Linux using Oracle Compute Cloud then downloading and configuring the network and startup scripts. In this blog we will do the same thing for Amazon AWS. Note that there are a few blogs that do the same thing.

We are going to cheat a little bit with AWS. Rather than configuring Linux, downloading Java and downloading Tomcat, we are going to go to the Amazon Marketplace and download an image that is already configured. This is similar to going through Bitnami but I thought it would be interesting to look at a different pre-configured instance and see how it differs from Bitnami. When we go to the marketplace we get the option of a community ami pool or a commercial ami pool. The selection is very diverse. I could not find anyone who pre-configured Tomcat on Oracle Enterprise Linux but did find Red Hat and Amazon Linux which are from the same codebase.

It is important to note that the commercial version does come with supplemental pricing on an hourly basis. This typically prices AWS as an option out of the running when compared to other cloud services.

We select an instance (the smallest since this is a demo of functionality) and go through the launch screens.

By default, the network configuration only opens up ssh and potentially port 80. We will need to add ports 8080 and 443. In hindsight we really don’t need to add port 8080 because the commercial version remaps the catalina configuration file to port 80 but we did anyway for completeness.

Adding the new ports looks like

Note that this is different from the Oracle Compute network setup. Amazon sets this up during the instance configuration while Oracle allows you to add this after the instance is created. Neither are good or bad, just different. You do need to scroll to the far right to see the Security Group definition and follow the links to modify the rules to allow another port. My first assumption was to go to the instance configuration menu at the top but all the network options were greyed out. You need to scroll to the far right to change the ports using the security group link. I initially did not see this because my fonts were too large and I did not realize that I had to scroll to the far right to see this.

Once we have the network configured, we can review and launch the instance. Note that we can use our own ssh keys to attach to the instance.

When we finish and confirm everything we should get an initialization screen. If the startup takes too long we will get a waiting screen. Once the instance is created we should see that it is running in the EC2 console.

Once the instance is started we can connect to it. We do this by looking up the ip address and connecting with ssh.

It is important to note that Tomcat is installed in /opt/tomcat7 and the startup scripts in /etc/rc3.d/S80tomcat7_1 are already setup.

We restart the service just to test the startup script and test the instance locally by getting the html from the command line and confirm that everything works from our desktop browser.

In summary, we were able to install and configure everything using the marketplace in less than 15 minutes. The configuration was similar to the Bitnami instance but it is important to note that there is an extra cost associated with this instance on an hourly basis. The Bitnami economics are done on a per instance charge. I, for example, pay $30/month to allow me to deploy three instances across multiple cloud vendors. Note the model is on a per instance and not a per hour basis. We could have gone through the exact same configuration that we did with the Oracle Compute Cloud instance by installing Linux then using the Tomcat website to download the binaries and install. The same websites, same tar files, and same configurations work since both are Linux based installs.

installing Tomcat on Oracle

In our last entry we installed Tomcat onto the Oracle Compute Cloud using Bitnami. Just as a reminder, it was easy, it was simple, and it took 15 minutes. In this entry we are going to go through the manual process and show what has to happen on the server side and what has to happen on the cloud side. The steps that we will follow are

  • Install Oracle Enterprise Linux on the Oracle Compute Cloud Service
  • ssh into the box and install/update
    • Java 7
    • Tomcat
    • iptables to open port 80 and 443
  • Start the service and verify localhost:8080 works
  • Configure the ports on the cloud side so that 80 and 443 pass through

Installing Oracle Enterprise Linux has been done in a previous blog. We won’t go through the screen shots for this other than to say that we called the box prsTomcat (as we did in the previous example) and requested OEL 6.6 with a 60 GB hard drive because this was the default installation and configuration. We selected the 60 GB hard drive because we had one preconfigured and it would reduce the creation time by not having to create and populate a new hard drive.

To ssh into the instance we need to go to the compute page and find the ip address. We need to login as opc so that we can execute sudo and install packages.

Once we have logged in we first need to verify that java is installed and configured. We do this with

java -version

This command verified that Java is properly installed. The next step is to download tomcat. To get the correct version and location to download it from we must go to and figure out what version to install. This is a little confusing because there are numerous versions and numerous dot releases. We are looking for Tomcat 7 so we scroll down and download it from tar.gz binary distribution.

We look for Tomcat 7 and follow the download link.

Once we had downloaded the binary bundle we need to unzip this into a location that we want to run it from. In this example we are going to install it in /usr/local/apache-tomcat-version_number. This is done with

"w g e t "
cd /usr/local
sudo tar xvzf /home/opc/apache-tomcat-7.0.68.tar.gz

Now that we have the binary downloaded, we have to start the server. This is done with the bin/ command. It is important to note that we will still need to install and configure an init script in /etc/rc3.d/S99tomcat to start and stop the service. This requires hand editing of the file to run the script. Once we have Tomcat installed and running we can use “w g e t” to verify that the server is running

sudo /usr/local/apache-tomcat-7.0.68
"w g e t" http://localhost:8080

This should return the html page served by the Tomcat server. If it does not, we have an issue with the server starting or running.

Now that we have the server up and running, we need to update the iptables to add ports 80, 8080, and 443 as pass through ports. This is done by

sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 8080 -j ACCEPT
sudo service iptables restart

Once we have the ports properly running at the operating system layer we need to go back to our compute cloud console and create the security rules for these ports. This is done by going into the instance and clicking on the network tab at the top of the screen.

We open up port 80 first from the public internet to the instance.

We then open up port 443 similarly

The final configuration should look like

We also need to add port 8080 which is by default not installed and configured. We do this by defining a new Security Application from the Networking tab. We add port 8080 then we have to add it as a security rule.

From this point we should be able to look from our desktop to the cloud instance and see port 80, 8080, and 443. We can test port 443 by logging into the management console as we did with the bitnami configuration. We can test port 8080 by going to the default link for our server ip address.

In summary, it took 5-6 minutes to get Linux installed. It took 5-10 minutes to do the y um install based on how many packages were out of sync and needed updating. It took 4-5 minutes to open up the ports and reconfigure the network access. To get the same configuration we would have to edit the catalina.conf file and redirect the browser from port 8080 to port 80 as well as create a startup script to initialize the server at boot time. Overall this method took us about 50% longer to install and configured the exact same thing as we did with Bitnami. The benefits to doing the configuration ourselves is that we could script it with tools like Puppet and Chef. We could automate this easily and make sure it is done the same way every time. Doing it by hand and creating the instance, logging in, and using a graphic interface to configure everything leads to error and divergence as time goes on.

Note that the “w g e t” should be one word but again, our blogging software does not allow me to use that word in the blog. Grrr!

installing Tomcat through bitnami

This week we are going to focus on installing Tomcat on to cloud servers. Today we are going to take the easy route. We are going to use bitnami and look at timings of how long everything takes as well as the automatic configurations that it sets up. In previous lesions we talked about linking your cloud accounts to bitnami and will not repeat that instructions. For those that are new to public domain software, Tomcat is a public domain software package that allows you to host java applications similar to WebLogic. I won’t get in to a debate over which is better because we will be covering how to install WebLogic in a later blog. I will give you all the information that you need to make that decision of which is best for our company and implementation.

We login to our web site and verify our account credentials.

We want to launch a Tomcat server so we search for Tomcat and hover over the icon. When we hover over the icon the word Launch appears and we click on this button.

Once we click Launch we get the virtual machine configuration screen.

Things to note on this screen are

  • the name is what you want to add to identify the virtual macine
  • the cloud account identifies which data center, if it is metered or un-metered, and what shapes will be available to this virtual machine
  • the network is automatically configured for ports 80 and 443 and enabled not only in the cloud network security configuration but in the operating system as well
  • the operating system gives you the option but we default to OEL 6.7
  • we could increase the disk size and select the memory/cpu option but it does not show us the cost because bitnami does not know if your account is metered or un-metered which have different costing models.

After we click the create button we get an update that shows us how the installation is progressing. The installation took just under 15 minutes to finish everything, launch the instance, and show us the configuration.

Once everything finishes we get the ip address, the passwords, and the ssh keys that were used to create this virtual machine.

We are able to open the link to the Tomcat server by clicking on the Go To The Application on the top right of the screen. This allows us to see the splash screen as well as access the management console.

When you click on the Access my Application you get the detailed information about the Tomcat server. We can go to the management console and look at the configuration as well as bring the server up and down.

At this point we have a valid configuration that we can see across the internet. The whole process took 15 minutes and did not require any editing or configurations other than selecting the configuration and giving the virtual machine a name.

security diversion before going up the stack

This entry is going to be more of a Linux tutorial than a cloud discussion but it is relevant. One of the questions and issues that admins are faced is creation and deletion of accounts. With cloud access being something relatively new the last thing that you want is to generate a password with telnet access to a server in the cloud. Telnet is inherently insecure and any script kiddy with a desire to break into accounts can run ettercat and look for clear text passwords flying across an open wifi or wired internet connection. What you really want to do is login via secure ssh or secure putty is you are on windows. This is done with a public/private key exchange.

There are many good explanations of ssh key exchange, generating ssh keys, and using ssh keys. My favorite is a writeup. The net, net of the writeup is that you generate a public and private key using ssh-keygen or putty-gen and upload the public file to the ~user/.ssh/authorized_keys location for that user. The following scripts should work on an Azure, Amazon, and Oracle Linux instance created in the compute shapes. The idea is that we initially created a virtual machine with the cloud vendor and the account that we created with the VM is not our end user but our cloud administrator. The next level of security is to create a new user and give them permissions to execute what they want to execute on this machine. For example, in the Oracle Database as a Service images there are two users created by default; oracle and opc. The oracle user has the rights to execute everything related to sqlplus, access the file systems where the database and backups are located, and everything related to the ora user. The opc user has sudo rights so that they can execute root scripts, add software packages, apply patches, and other things. The two users have different access rights and administration privileges. In this blog we are going to look at creating a third user so that we can have someone like a backup administrator login and copy backups to tape or a disk at another data center. To do this you need to execute the following instructions.

sudo useradd backupadmin -g dba
sudo mkdir ~backupadmin/.ssh
sudo cp ~oracle/.ssh/authorized_keys ~backupadmin/.ssh
sudo chown -R backupadmin:dba ~backupadmin
sudo chmod 700 ~backupadmin/.ssh

Let’s walk through what we did. First we create a new user called backupadmin. We add this user to the dba group so that they can perform dba functions that are given to the dba group. If the oracle user is part of a different group then they need to be added to that group and not the dba group. Next we create a hidden directory in the backupadmin directory called .ssh. The dot in front of the file denotes that we don’t want this listed with the typical ls command. The sshd program will by default look in this directory for authorized keys and known hosts. Next we copy a known authorized_keys file into the new backupadmin .ssh directory so that we can present a private key to the operating system as the backupadmin to login. The last two commands are setting the ownership and permissions on the new .ssh directory and all files under it so that backupadmin can read and write this directory and no one else can. The chown sets ownership to backupadmin and the -R says do everything from that directory down to the same ownership. While we are doing this we also set the group permissions on all files to the group dba. The final command sets permissions on the .ssh directory to read, write, and execute for the owner of the directory only. The zeros remove permissions for the group and world.

In our example we are going to show how to access a Linux server from Azure and modify the permissions. First we go to the site and login. We then look at the virtual machines that we have created and access the Linux VM that we want to change permissions for. When we created the initial virtual machine we selected ssh access and uploaded a public key. In this example we created the account pshuff as the initial login. This account is created automatically for us and is given sudo rights. This would be our cloud admin account. We present the same ssh keys for all virtual machines that we create and can copy these keys or upload other keys for other users. Best practice would be to upload new keys and not replicate the cloud admin keys to new users as we showed above.

From the portal we get the ip address of the Linux server. In this example it is We open up putty from Windows, load the 2016.ppk key that corresponds to the key that we initialized the pshuff account with. When asked for a user to authenticate with we login as pshuff. If this were an Oracle Compute Service instance we would login as opc since this is the default account created and we want sudo access. To login as backupadmin we open putty and load the ppk associated with this account.

When asked for what account to login as we type in backupadmin and can connect to the Linux system using the public/private key that we initialized.

If we examine the public key it is a series of randomly generated text values. To revoke the users access to the system we change the authorized_keys file to a different key. The pub file looks like

if we open it in wordpad on Windows. This is the file that we uploaded when we created the virtual machine.

To deny access to backupadmin (in the case of someone leaving the organization or moving to another group) all we have to do is edit the authorized_keys file as root and delete this public key. We can insert a different key with a copy and paste operation allowing us to rotate keys. Commercial software like key vaults and key management systems allow you to do this from a central control point and update/rotate keys on a regular basis.

In summary, best practices are to upload a key per user and rotate them on a regular basis. Accounts should be created with ssh keys and not password access. Rather than copying the keys from an existing account it would be an upload and an edit. Access can be revoked by the root user by removing the keys or from an automated key management system.

next generation of compute services

Years ago I was a systems administrator at a couple of universities and struggled making sure that systems were operational and supportable. The one thing that frustrated me more than anything else was how long it took to figure out how something was configured. We had over 100 servers in the data center and on each of these server we had departmental web servers, mail servers, and various other servers to serve the student and faculty users. We standardized on an Apache web server but there were different versions, different configurations, and different additions to each one. This was before virtualization and golden masters became a trendy topic and things were built from scratch. We would put together Linux server with Apache web servers, PHP servers, and MySQL. These later became called LAMP servers. Again, one frustration was the differences between the different versions, how they were compiled, and how they were customized to handle a department. It was bad enough that we had different Linux versions but we had different versions of every other software combination. Debugging became a huge issue because you first had to figure out how things were configure then you had to figure out where the logs were stored and then could start looking at what the issue was.

We have been talking about cloud compute services. In the past blogs we have talked about how to deploying an Oracle Linux 6.4 server onto compute clouds in Amazon, Azure, and Oracle. All three look relatively simple. All three are relatively robust. All three have advantages and disadvantages. In this blog we are going to look at using public domain pre-compiled bundles to deploy our LAMP server. Note that we could download all of these modules into out Linux compute services using a yum install command. We could figure out how to do this or look at web sites like that go through tutorials on how to do this. It is interesting buy I have to ask why. It took about 15 minutes to provision our Linux server. Doing a yum update takes anywhere from 2-20 minutes based on how old you installation is and how many patches have been released. We then take an additional 10-20 minutes to download all of the other modules, edit the configuration files, open up the security ports, and get everything started. We are 60 minutes into something that should take 10-15 minutes.

Enter stage left, This company does exactly what we are talking about. They take public domain code and common configurations that go a step beyond your basic compute server and provision these configurations into cloud accounts. In this blog we will look at provisioning a LAMP server. We could have just as easily have configured a wiki server, tomcat server, distance education moodle server, or any other of 100+ public domain configurations that bitmai supports.

The first complexity is linking your cloud accounts into the bitnami service. Unfortunately, the accounts are split into three different accounts;,, and The Oracle and Azure account linkages are simple. For Oracle you need to look up the rest endpoint for the cloud service. First, you go to the top right, click the drop down to do account management.

From this you need to look up the rest endpoint from the Oracle Cloud Console by clicking on the Details link from the main cloud portal.

Finally, you enter the identity domain, username, password, and endpoint. With this you have linked the Oracle Compute Cloud Services to Bitnami.

Adding the Azure account is a little simpler. You go to the Account – Subscriptions pull down and add account.

To add the account you download a certificate from the Azure portal as described on the site and import it into the site.

The Amazon linkage is a little more difficult. To start with you have to change your Amazon account according to Bitnami Instructions. You need to add a custom policy that allows bitnami to create new EC2 instances. This is a little difficult to initially understand but once you create the custom policy it becomes easy.

Again, you click on the Account – Cloud Accounts to create a new AWS linkage.

When you click on the create new account you get an option to enter the account name, shared key, and secret key to your AWS account.

I personally am a little uncomfortable providing my secret key to a third party because it opens up access to my data. I understand the need to do this but I prefer using a public/private ssh key to access services and data rather than a vendor provided key and giving that to a third party seems even stranger.

We are going to use AWS as the example for provisioning our LAMP server. To start this we go to and click on the Library link at the top right. We could just as easily have selected or and followed this exact same path. The library list is the same and our search for a LAMP server returns the same image.

Note that we can select the processor core count, disk size, and data center that we will provision into. We don’t get much else to choose from but it does the configuration for us and provisions the service in 10-15 minutes. When you click the create key you get an updated screen that shows progress on what is being done to create the VM.

When the creation is complete you get a list of status as well as password access to the application if there were a web interface to the application (in this case apache/php) and an ssh key for authentication as the bitnami user.

If you click on the ppk link at the bottom right you will download the private ssh key that bitnami generates for you. Unfortunately, there is not a way of uploading your own keys but you can change that after the fact for the users that you will log in as.

Once you have the private key, you get the ip address of the service and enter it into putty for Windows and ssh for Linux/Mac. We will be logging in as the user bitnami. We load the ssh key into the SSH – Auth option in the bottom right of the menu system.

When we connect we will initially get a warning but can connect and execute common commands like uname and df to see how the system is configured.

The only differences between the three interfaces is the shapes that you can choose from. The Azure interface looks similar. Azure has fewer options for processor configuration so it is shown as a list rather than a sliding scale that changes the processor options and price.

The create virtual machine interface does not look much different. The server selection is a set of checkboxes rather than a radio checkbox or a sliding bar. You don’t get to check which data center that you get deployed into because this is tied to your account. You can select a different identity domain which will list a different data center but you don’t get a choice of data centers as you do with the other services. You are also not shown how much the service will cost through Oracle. The account might be tied to an un-metered service which comes in at $75/OCPU/month or might be tied to a metered service which comes in at $0.10/OCPU/hour. It is difficult to show this from the bitnami provisioning interface so I think that they decided to not show the cost as they do with the other services.

In summary, using a service like bitnami for pre-configured and pre-compiled software packages is the future because it has time and cost advantages. All three cloud providers have marketplace vendors that allow you to purchase commercial packages or deploy commercial configurations where you bring your own license for the software. More on that later. Up next, we will move up the stack and look at what it takes to deploy a the Oracle database on all three of these cloud services.

Oracle Linux on Amazon AWS

In this entry we are going to create a Linux 6.4 virtual machine on Amazon AWS EC2. In our last entry we did this on the Microsoft Azure using a single processor instance and 1.75 GB of RAM. The installation took a few steps and was relatively easy to install. We will not look at how to create an Amazon account but assume that you already have an account. The basic AWS console looks like the image below

When we click on the EC2 console instance it allows us to look at our existing instances as well as create new ones.

Clicking on the “Launch Instance” button allows us to start the virtual machine instance creation. We are given a choice of sources for the virtual machine. The default screen does not offer Oracle Linux as an option so we have to go to the commercial or community screens to get OEL 6.x as an option.

It is important to note that the commercial version has a surcharge on an hourly basis. If we search on Oracle Linux we get a list of different operating system versions and database and WebLogic installations. The Orbitera version in the commercial version adds a hefty surcharge of $0.06 per hour for our instance and gets more expensive on an hourly basis as the compute shapes get larger. This brings the cost to 7x times that of the Oracle Compute Service and 5x the times of the Microsoft Azure instance.

The community version allows us to use the same operating system configuration without the surcharge. The drawback to this option is trustability on the configuration as well as repeatability. The key advantage over the commercial version is that it has version control and will be there a year from now. The community version might or might not be there in a year and if you need to create a new virtual machine based on something that you did a year ago might or might not be there. On the flip side, you can find significantly older versions of the operating system in the community version that you can not in the commercial version.

Given that I am cheap (and funding this out of my own pocket) we will go through the community version to reduce the hourly cost. The main problem with this option is that we installed Oracle Linux 6.4 when installing on Oracle Compute Cloud Service and Microsoft Azure. On Amazon AWS we have to select Oracle Linux 6.5 since the 6.4 version is not available. We could select 6.6 and 6.3 but I wanted to get as close to 6.4 as possible. Once we select the OS version, we then have to select a processor shape.

Note that the smaller memory options are not available for our selection. We have to scroll down to the m3.medium shape with 1 virtual processor and 3.75 GB of RAM as the smallest configuration.

The configuration screen allows us to launch the virtual machine into a virtual network configuration as well as different availability zones. We are going to accept the defaults on this screen.

The disk selection page allows us to configure the root disk size as well as alternate disks to attach to the services. By default the disk selection for our operating system is 40 GB and traditional spinning disk. You can select a higher speed SSD configuration but there are additional hourly charges for this option.

The tags screen is used to help you identify this virtual machine with projects, programs, or geographical affiliations. We are not going to do anything on this screen and skip to the port configuration screen.

The port screen allows us to open up security ports to communicate with the operating system. Note that this is an open interface that allows us to open any ports that we desire and provide access to ports like 80 and 443 to provide access to web services. We can create white lists or protected networks when we create access points or leave everything open to the internet.

We are going to leave port 22 as the only port open. If we did open other ports we would need to change the iptables configuration on the os instance. We can review the configuration and launch the instance on the next screen.

When we create the instance we have to select a public and private key to access the virtual machine. You had to previously create this instance through the AWS console.

Once we select the key we get a status update of the virtual machine creation.

If we go to the EC2 instance we can follow the status of our virtual machine. In this screen shot we see that the instance is initializing.

We can now connect using putty or ssh to attach to the virtual machine. It is important to note that Amazon uses a different version of the private key. They use the pem extension which is just a different version of the ppk extension. There are tools to convert the two back and forth but we do need to select a different format when loading the private key using putty on Windows. By default the key extension that it looks for is ppk. We need to select all files to find the pem keys. If you follow the guidelines from Amazon you can convert the pem key to a ppk key and access the instance as was done previously.

It is important to note that you can not login as oracle but have to login as root. To enable logging in as oracle you will need to copy the public key into the .ssh directory in the /home/oracle directory. This is a little troubling having the default login as root and having to enable and edit files to disable this. A security model that allows you to login as oracle or opc and sudo to root is much preferable.

In summary, the virtual machine creation is very similar to the Oracle Compute Cloud Service and Microsoft Azure Cloud Service. The Amazon instance was a little more difficult to find. Oracle installations are not the sweet spot in AWS and other Linux instances are preferred. The ssh keys are a little unusual in that the EC2 instance wants a different format of the ssh keys and if Amazon generates them for you it requires a conversion utility to get it into standard format. The cost of the commercial implementation drives the price almost to cost prohibitive. The processor and memory configuration are similar to the other two cloud providers but I was able to try a 1 processor and 1 GB instance and it failed due to insufficient resources. We had to fall back to a much larger memory footprint for the operating system to boot.

All three cloud vendors need to work on operating system selection. When you search for Oracle Linux you not only get various versions of the operating system but database and weblogic server configurations as well. The management consoles are vastly different between the three cloud vendors as well. It is obvious what the background and focus is of the three companies. Up next, using bitnami to automate service installations on top of a base operating system.

Oracle Linux on Microsoft Azure

In this entry we are going to create a Linux 6.4 virtual machine on Microsoft Azure. In our last entry we did this on the Oracle Compute Cloud using a single processor instance and 15 GB of RAM. The installation took a few steps and was relatively easy to install. We will not look at how to create an Azure account but assume that you already have an account. The basic Azure console looks like the image below

From this console we can either create a Virtual Machine or Virtual Machine (classic). From the main console click on the “Virtual Machine” button on the left side of the screen. We will walk down this path rather than the classic mode for this installation. After you click on the virtual machine menu item and the “+ Add” button at the top left we can select the operating system type.

From this screen we can search for an installation type. If we type “oracle” in the search field we get over 20 entries provided by the Oracle Corporation. The first few are Linux only installations. The next few are Database and Java/WebLogic installations on Linux or Windows.

For our test, we will select the Oracle Linux 6.4 to match what we did in the previous blog. With this selection we get another screen that provides links to an informational page and more information. Notice that the deployment model only allows us to create the virtual machine in the classic mode. Had we gone down the Virtual machine (classic) menu item at the start we would end up in the same place with this selection. Clicking on the “create” button takes us to the next screen where we define the properties of the virtual machine. The basic information that we need are the virtual machine name, a user name to log in as, basic security access information (password or ssh key access), and compute size.

Rather than providing a username and password to access the virtual machine, we are going to select an ssh key. We will use the same key that we used in the last blog and copy the public ssh key that we created with puttygen and upload a text copy of the public ssh key. It is important to note that we can create the virtual machine with a password but to be honest we don’t recommend it. You can do this but security becomes a huge issue. The password that you enter does not check for viability or security. I was able to type in the traditional “Welcome1” password and the system accepted it as a viable password. Again, it is not recommended to do this but I was testing to see if I could enter a simple password that is easily found in the dictionary.

When we click on the Pricing Tier we can select the compute shape. When we first clock on this we get three recommended choices. These choices are all single core options with a small memory footprint. It is important to note that all are IO limited at 500 IOs per second and all have the option for a load balancer to be put in front of the virtual machine. The key difference is the processor type. The A processor is a lower speed, older processor that does not have as much power. The D processor is a higher speed, newer processor. Both options are lower clock speeds than the Oracle compute shape which is a 3.0 Ghz Xeon processor. The memory configuration is significantly lower with 1.75 or 3.5 GB when compared to 15 GB or 30 GB offered by the Oracle Compute Service.

If we want to explore more options we can click on the “View All” option at the top right. This allows us to look at over 60 different configurations that have different core counts, memory configurations, and disk options.

For our exercise we are going to go with the recommended A1 Standard configuration with 1 virtual processor and 1.75 GB of RAM.

The final step that we need to look at are the network, disk, and availability zone configurations. To be honest, we could accept the defaults and not configure these options.

If we look at the optional configurations, we can configure an availability zone. This allows us to replicate services between user defined zones. For this instance we are going to use the standalone virtual machine configuration.

The next configuration option allows us to define the local network configurations, which subnet it will belong to, and the server name. We recommend not changing the subnet information because this could cause issues if you enter the wrong network or enter an invalid subnet that does not have a dhcp server.

We can select a reserved ip address rather than a dynamically allocated ip address. It is important to enter this information correctly because you could step on an existing server on the internet and not be able to get to your virtual machine. It is also important to map the static ip address to the domain name that you have reserved through naming servers on the internet. We will use the default dhcp rather than use a reserved ip address.

We could attach alternate disks to this instance. For example, if we wanted to pre-load the Oracle database binary, we could mount the disk as a secondary disk and attach it to our instance. We will not do this as part of our exercise but go with the default boot disk to show how to create a basic virtual image.

We can also configure the ports that are open to the virtual machine. It is important to note that by default ssh is open and available. We could open port 80 or port 443 if we wanted to provide web access to this machine. We would also have to change the iptables configuration on the operating system to gain access to these services.

Finally, we can add options to the Linux operating system. This would be similar to selecting the Orchestration option on the Oracle Compute Service. My recommendation is to not select this but do this with the apt-get or yum installation method using post configuration utilities and methods.

The final options that we have deal with how we pay for the service and which data center we drop the virtual machine into. We will accept the defaults of “Pay as you go” and “US East” data center for our exercise.

When we click “Create” we are put back on the main portal screen with an update window showing progress. The create takes a few minutes and will be dropped into the Virtual Machine window when finished.

You can click on the bell shaped icon on the top right to see the progress bar and click on the progress bar to look at the ongoing status of creation. Note that the status is “creating” and will change when the virtual machine is finished creating.

Once the status turns to “running” we can click on the machine name and get more detailed information like the ip address assigned and more detailed data on the final configuration.

Once everything is running we can login via putty on Windows or ssh on Linux or Mac. We get the ip address from the status page on the virtual machine. We use the username that we entered when we created the Linux instance. We use the private ssh keys to connect to the instance just like the Oracle Compute Service.

Once we accept the keys we can login and verify the os version and disk shape created.

In summary, the difference between the Oracle Compute Cloud and the Microsoft Azure Cloud is not that different. The selection of the operating system is much more of a GUI experience with Microsoft and the Oracle shapes are much larger when it comes to memory. The Microsoft options have more options on the low end and high end but the Oracle solution is designed for the Oracle Database and WebLogic servers. It took about the same amount of time to create the two virtual machines. Security is a little tighter with Oracle but can be made the same between the two. Azure gives you the option of using a username and password and allows you to open any port that you want into the virtual machine. Given that these instances are on the public internet we recommend a tighter security configuration.

Oracle Linux on Oracle Compute Cloud

In this blog we are going to look at creation of an Infrastructure as a Service foundation using Compute as a Service and Storage as a Service to create an Oracle Linux instance. To start with we begin by logging into and entering our Identity Domain, user name, and password. In this example we are connecting to metcsgse00026 as cloud.admin for the username.

If we look to the right of the Compute Cloud Service header we see a “Service Console” tab. Clicking on this allows us to create a new virtual machine by clicking on the “Create Instance” button. Not all accounts will have the create instance button. Your account needs to have the funding behind generic compute and the ability to consume either metered or un-metered IaaS options.

Note that we have two virtual machines that have previously been created. The first listed is a database service that was created. The compute infrastructure is automatically created when we create a database as a service instance. The second listed is a Java service that was created through the Java Service console. The compute infrastructure was also created for the JaaS option. We can drill into these compute services to look at security, networking, and ip addresses assigned.

To create a virtual machine we click on the “Create Instance” button which takes us to the next screen. On this screen we enter the name of the virtual machine that we are creating, a description label, the operating system instance and type, the shape of the instance. By shape we mean the number of processors and memory since this is how compute shapes are priced.

To select the different types of operating systems, we can enter a “*” into the Image type and it lists a pull down of operating system types. You can scroll down to select different configurations and instances. In the screen shot below we see that we are selecting OEL 6.4 with a 5 GB root directory. The majority of the images are generic Linux instances with different disk configurations, different software packages installed, and different OS configurations.

The next step is to select the processor and memory size. Again, this is a pull down menu with a pre-configured set of options. We can select from 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16 virtual processors and either 15 GB of RAM or 30 GB of RAM per processor. These options might be a bit limiting for some applications or operations but are optimized and configured for database and java servers.

In this example we selected a 1 virtual processor, 15 GB of RAM, 5 GB of disk for the operating system, and Oracle Linux 6.4 as the operating system. We can enter tags so that we can associate this virtual machine with a target, production environment, system, or geographic location consuming the resources.

At this time we are not selecting any custom attributes and not using Orchestration to provision services, user accounts, passwords, or other services into our virtual machine. We click the “Next” button at the top of the screen to go to network configurations.

In the network configuration we can accept the defaults and have an ip address assigned to us. If we have an ip address on reserve we can consume that reserved address and even assign a name to it to resolve to if we wanted to map this to an internet name. In this example we just accept the defaults and try not to get too fancy on our first try. This will create an ip address for our server, open port 22 for ssh access, and allow us to network it to other cloud services inside our instance domain with local network routing.

The next step is to configure a disk to boot from. We are presented with the option of using a pre-configured existing disk or creating a new one. The list that we see here is a list of disks for the database and java servers that we previously created. We are going to click on the create new check box and have the system create the disk for us.

The storage property pull down allows us to select the type of disk that we are going to use. If we are trying to boot from this disk, we should select the default option. If we were installing a database we would select something like the iSCSI option to attach as the data or fast recovery disk options.

The final step is to upload the public key of our ssh key pair. This is probably the biggest differential between the three services. Amazon requires that you use their shared and secret key that they generate for you. Microsoft allows you to create a service without an ssh key and use a username and password to connect to the virtual machine. Oracle requires that you use the ssh public-private key that you generate with puttygen or ssh-keygen. The public key is uploaded during this creation time (or selected if you have previously uploaded the key). The private key is presented via putty or ssh connection to the server once it is created. The default users that are created in the Oracle instances are the oracle account that is part of the orainst group and the opc account that has sudo privileges.

Once we have everything entered, we click on next and review the screen. Clicking on the “Create” button will create a compute instance with the configuration and specifications that we requested. In this example we are creating a Linix 6.4 instance onto a 1 OCPU machine with 15 GB of memory and attaching a 5 GB disk drive for the operating system.

As the system is provisioning, it updates us on progress

When everything is done we can view the details of the virtual machine and see the ip address, which key was used, and how the service is configured.

Before we can attach to the server, we need to open up the ssh port (port 22). This is done by going into the Network tab and adding a “Security Rule”. This rule needs to be defined as public internet access to our default security rule since we accepted the default network rules as our network protocol in the creation of the virtual machine.

Note in this example we selected ssh as the protocol, public internet as the source, and default as the destination. With this we can now connect using putty from our Windows desktop. We need to configure putty with the ip address of our virtual machine and our private key as the ssh protocol for connecting. We could create a tunnel for other services but in this example we are just trying to get a command line login to the operating system.

Note that we can confirm that we are running Linux 6.4 and have a 5 GB hard drive for the operating system.
The whole process takes a few minutes. This is relatively fast and can be scripted with curl commands. More on that later.