In last week’s blog post we talked about how to start development with a Raspberry PI. This week it will be a little different in that we will look at a much less powerful computer, the Arduino UNO R3.

The newer version of the UNO board is the Arduino UNO R4 which was released in June 2023.

The size, power requirements, and I/O capabilities of the R3 and R4 are similar. The R4 has a more powerful processor, more memory, and a faster USB connection. The clock speed (16 Mhz vs 48 Mhz) is the biggest difference contributing to performance but the memory sizes (32 Kb of flash memory vs 256 Kb as well as 1 Kb of EEPROM vs 8 Kb) makes a huge difference is what the processor can be programmed to do. The R4 does have higher analog input resolution in that it has 16-bit resolution vs 8-bit resolution for the six analog inputs.
Fortunately, the power supply and form factor don’t change between the processors. The development environment (IDE) is the same with the only change being a pull down in the IDE to select the appropriate microcontroller board to program.
To install the development environment you need a computer to interact with the Arduino. This computer can be Windows, MacOS, or Linux. A good tutorial has been written by the makers of the Arduino and is easy to follow –
The development environment takes a little practice to understand it but once you do it a couple of times it becomes simple. The interface allows you to develop code and upload it to the processor board. The first step is to select the board type then start developing for the board.

Along with the board type you need to select how you will communicate with the Arduino. Newer models support WiFi communications while older models use a USB cable to connect to the board for the initial programming.

Once you have connected to the Arduino through the WiFi or USB connection you can load a program into the development environment and upload it to the processor board. A good place to start is with the blink program which blinks the LED located on the board next to the USB connector. This will show that you not only have a good IDE configuration but a working Arduino that can be programmed from your computer. If you change the sleep time you can change the frequency of the blinking light. This is a simple way to play with the code and verify that everything is properly working.

The blink code addresses the on-board LED and loops with a sleep command between turning on the turning off the light.

The statement “int led = 13;” defines which pin you are addressing on the board. The statement “pinMode(led, OUTPUT)” defines pin 13 as an output pin. The loop command says repeat this operation forever with no limits until power is lost or a new program is uploaded. The “digitalWrite(led, HIGH)” command turns on the LED light. The “delay(1000)” command sleeps for 1000 milliseconds (otherwise known as one second) before executing the next command. The “digitalWrite(led, LOW);” command turns off the LED light. The second delay sleeps for a second as well before looping back to turn the light back on.
If you want to play with this, change the second delay function to 500 which will sleep for a half a second before turning the light back on. If you then change the first delay to 500 as well the light will blink twice as fast. This is a good way to test the development environment and connection to the Arduino.
It is important to note that the Upload function at the top left of the development environment is what is used once you change the code to change the operation of the Arduino. The upload writes your new code to the computer and executes the code as designed. For the blink program it can be loaded by going to the Files pulldown and loading the code from the Examples menu path.

The blink program is located under the 01.Basics menu and comes default with the IDE installation. In future posts we will look at changing this code to control an external LED and not an LED that is on-board. This is useful for showing status or the user in a change of status. A very simple example of that would be attaching three LEDs to the computer with the colors red, yellow, and green to simulate a traffic light. Alternately we would read a volume level or battery charge level and go from green (full) to yellow (half-full) to red (almost empty). This is a more complex example because it requires reading data from a sensor and writing to three different output ports. With the Arduino we could also write an analog output or a pulse width output and change the brightness and color of a more complex LED. We will not only look at doing this with the Arduino but with the Raspberry PI as well.