calendar and Motorola Q

The Motorola Q is one of the latest phone/pda combinations that runs Windows Mobile 5.0. Unfortunately it currently isn’t supported through the Oracle Collab Suite
so I can’t sync up email, calendar, and contacts. Fortunately, there is
a sync package that works for calendar, contacts, and tasks available
from Synthesis AG that appears to work.

The setting that I had to use are

 – Settings

    Contacts – Sync Mode: normal

    Events – Sync Mode: normal

    Events: Only Between – unchecked

    Tasks – Sync Mode: normal

    SyncML Server –

    User name: my email address

    Password: my SSO email password

    Contacts: DB Path: ./Contacts

    Events: DB Path: ./Calendar/Events

    Tasks: DB Path: ./Calendar/Tasks

– Connection

    Preferred Connection when mobile: Internet

    Preferred Connection when in cradle: Internet

The version of the software is the SyncML Engine V2.5.0.64 for SmartPhone2003

Once I had this configured everything worked. The biggest complaints
that I have about this solution is that it does not auto connect and
sync everything. The sync connection requires that I manually sync the
data and pull new tasks, events, and contacts from the server. When I
was at Rice Unviersity we used the calendar server to schedule meetings
and everything was done with a push. If someone wanted a meeting, it
went into your calendar inbox and you either accepted or rejected the
meeting. My group at Oracle dosen’t appear to use this feature very
much but uses cell phones and email as the primary communication
mechanism for scheduling. Other groups in the office use collab suite
more the way that I have used it in the past.